Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Deep Cleaning Part 2: The Microwave

Does this picture gross you out? Sorry about that, this is a picture of a microwave that had never been cleaned. Would you believe me if I tell you I have seen worse, I have. I was invited to a luncheon this summer and as I walked by the microwave I noticed the glass was textured, cloudy and kind of a weird gray color.* I don't think it had been cleaned, ever. When I was first married I mentioned to someone I was cleaning the microwave, and she asked, "You clean the microwave, I've never thought of that before." She said she cleaned her microwave that night and I know she has kept it clean since!
Microwave's get really gross, food tends to explode, especially when children are involved in reheating there own food and don't use paper towels to cover it up! They are relatively easy to clean, if you keep up on it, say one or two times per month. It is best to clean up big spills quickly because it gets harder to clean the longer it stays in there. Start by filling up a microwavable bowl with water, I use my 4 cup Pyrex, then either squeeze the juice of one lemon, or put 1 TBSP of lemon juice in the water. Microwave until boiling, usually about 4 minutes. Don't heat it too long or the water explodes and your microwave door will burst open, it's happened to me! Then by using a wash cloth everything should wipe off pretty easy. Ta Da, a clean microwave on the inside and out!
*If you are my friend and you are reading this blog, please don't think I ever judge your homes. I really don't. After the microwave comment you might think I do, but that home was really bad, anyone would notice! Currently there are dishes in my sink where they will stay until tomorrow morning, there is dirty laundry in every hamper, my dining room table needs to be dusted, and I noticed huge cobwebs in the stairwell and the breakfast nook light. See? My house gets cluttered and messy too!


  1. Oh! I love this tip! I hate cleaning the microwave and knew there had to be a better way to do it! Thanks!

  2. Cute advice, the picture NOT, lol.

  3. Lemon is generally a good cleaning agent and removes stains very easily.Also vinegar a very good agent in homely cleaning.
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