Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bathrooms - Deep Cleaning

When I was little I was in charge of cleaning the upstairs bathroom. I think I started at seven, but my little sister didn't clean the bathroom until I went to college! That's just how it goes with little sisters...back to bathrooms...I would pretend I was hosting a cleaning show to the huge mirror audience. I would take them through what I was doing step by step, explaining everything. I was a funny kid. Now I clean my bathroom in three different ways, the mid-week-wipe-down, the weekly cleaning and the twice a year deep cleaning. Bathrooms are perhaps the grossest rooms in the house, especially boys bathrooms!
I use cleaning wipes (So sorry Mother Nature, but I do recycle more than I throw away so I allow myself this one extravagance) wipe down the sink, counter, top of the toilet, and then the seat in that order. Touch up the mirror and I'm done! So easy!
Weekly Cleaning:
Using soft and scrub I scrub the sink and counters, making sure to rinse off the excess otherwise it dries white and powdery. Scrub the toilet inside and out, I use rubber gloves and a sponge, it sound gross but it's the most effective method for me. After I do the mirror I use that same paper towel to dust off the toilet paper roll holder, towel racks, and any decor. I don't clean the bathtubs every week, but at least once a month. My favorite cleaner to use on the tubs is a magic eraser, I recently tried the generic version and it worked just as well.
Twice a Year Deep Cleaning:
Take everything out of the cupboards, purging as you go. Vacuum out, then wipe out cabinets and drawers put everything back in an organized fashion.
Happy Cleaning :)


  1. FINALLY! Something I do keep up on! I'm thrilled that I'm finally doing something you are doing. I'm not a failure. I am a bathroom master. I just might be THE bathroom master.

    If that's something to be proud of... ;)

  2. tis is a great idea for a blog, keep it up Alyse! I think you should tell us, your faithful followers what some of your favorite cleaning products are as you go...whaddya say??

  3. what the method of inspiration it is essential to clean the bathroom and keep the home healthy and hygienic.
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  4. Cleaning up the messy house should be a priority as it is necessary to look into the hygiene and cleanliness factors in the house for a healthy life of the members of the family.
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  5. I think most people would do the same when they are headed with the situation.

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  6. This is a very useful tips on Bathrooms Cleaning .

  7. can i copy your picture for my blog?

  8. Nice and very informative post regarding bathroom cleaning.. Keep sharing this post.

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