Monday, February 8, 2010

Sweeping and Mopping

There is a time and place for sweeping. Garages, front porches, sidewalks are all great sweeping areas. But not inside. Why? When you sweep, all the dirt, dust and filth are swept up into the air landing on your furniture, counters, cabinets, walls, appliances, maybe even your kids. I use a hand sweeper for cleaning up under the table after meals, it also works especially well for cleaning up play dough. Other than that I recommend using your vacuum to clean your hard surface floors before mopping. If your vacuum didn't come with a floor attachment you can get a small vacuum for hard surfaces pretty cheap.

Now for mopping. I have found the most effective way for me to my hard surface floors is on my hands and knees using the hundred wash cloth method developed by my Mom! First I take a bucket, put in a some all purpose cleaner, fill with warm water, put in my wash cloths (about 20, seriously) then put on my rubber gloves and go. I take out a wash cloth, wipe the floor, baseboards and touch up the walls as needed. Once I use a cloth I do not put it back in the bucket, I get out a new one each time, this way each new cloth is clean, not filled with dirty water. I do not have time to do this every week, but I try to do it twice a month. Meanwhile I own a steam mop that I use in between and I love it! I also have owned a Swiffer and that seemed to work fine in between deep cleans. The most important tip I can give you is to avoid the old method of cleaning your floors with dirty water, don't double dip your mop!


  1. I just wanted you to know that today I cleaned out my spice /whatever else would fit in there cabinet! I'm sure it has been at least 2-3 years since I cleaned it out. Anyway I appreciate all your advice. I'm going to try and clean one cabinet out a day. That way I won't be so overwhelmed.

  2. I read this blog post a month ago...and I haven't been able to get it out of my head! My kitchen is big, beautiful, and WHITE! White countertops, white cabinets and white tile floors (it is gorgeous when it is clean, but whoever picked white did not have six kids)!!!! I should be mopping every day! I wanted to let you know what a GREAT idea the 100 wash cloth method is. I too have a steam mop (a Bissel...and I love it) but you and I know that there has to be some deeper cleaning that goes on from time to time. Thank you for this BRILLIANT idea! What a great help for my WHITE (argh!)kitchen!

  3. This is a very innovative way of cleaning and would definitely take care of detailed cleaning.It is essential to keep the floors very clean specially with children around.
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