Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Catch Up Time

Since I haven't been well I'm way behind on my housekeeping, and well, life in general. There are emails to return, laundry, so MUCH laundry, non-house related projects to finish, bills to pay, bills to file and last years bills to shred! I could do without bills :) I will be taking the remainder of this week and weekend to catch up around here so I can continue my deep cleaning projects. In between the posts labeled "Deep Cleaning" I will also be starting a new thread labeled "Purging". A friend recently asked if I had completed all my deep cleaning projects yet, the answer is nope. I still need to tackle all the doorknobs and light switches. See you next Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Alyse, I hope you are feeling 100 percent! I love your blog and will be checking in for inspiration. I always joke with Bjorn that he should have married my sister (who like you has a gift for cleaning/organization)if he wanted a well-kept house. Thanks for all the info!
