Saturday, January 23, 2010


I've spent the last two days deep cleaning and purging my kitchen cupboards and the pantry. I still need to tackle the oven, my least favorite job in the whole world! I started with the pantry and baking cupboard. I threw away or recycled old stuff, are my kids the only ones who put back empty cereal boxes? Then organized the remaining food. Next the appliance cupboard where I took everything out, wiped out the cupboard then put everything I rarely use in the back and things we use the most in the front. Onto the tupperware/bowl/pots and pans. I pretty much just took everything out, wiped it out, then when I was putting things back I stacked them according to size. Once again I put everything I rarely use in the back. If you have those fabulous cupboard with drawers that roll out, count your lucky stars! From there I did the cups, dishes, and then I tackled the drawers. Have you ever noticed how gross the silverware container gets? I don't know how it happeneds, but the divider that holds my clean silverware gathers all sorts of crumbs. Gross. Everyone has different drawers and cupboards, but the idea is the same. Take everything out, wipe out, put back only the stuff you use and like stuff together so you know where it is. Don't forget to wipe down the outside of the drawers and cabinets too, especially around the handle. I also have containers to separate things within the cupboards or drawers, like a little basket for seasoning packets, a basket for cookie/cake decorations etc. In the drawers you can find awesome dividers in all sizes so you can put your spatulas in one, wooden spoon's in one, measuring spoons in another, etc. It isn't hard to find the right size for your needs and they can be pretty cheap. Have fun!


  1. I totally need to do this every so often. My pantry especially gets so bad! There are things back behind stuff that I haven't seen for awhile :0

  2. lookin good Alyse, I'm counting on this blog improving the quality of my cleaning life :)
