Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What's that Smell?

The last thing you want someone to think when they walk into your home, is "What is that smell?" Right? Sometimes I walk into the house after being gone all morning and it smells like the last two meals, imagine BBQ chicken and syrup, so gross. I try to keep the house smelling extra good with my product of choice, but there are tons of other products on the market, choose whatever works for you. Hopefully, by emptying the garbage's, keeping up on dishes and laundry your home will smell fresh and clean. Unless you cook fish or bacon, I don't think there is any help for that!
P.S. The idea for this post came from a show Ryan was watching. Every one who came into this house literally gagged because of the smell. They found dead animals under all the food, clothes, paper and garbage, seriously dead animals! If only they would've read my blog, kidding, kidding.


  1. Funny...I always make Danny take the toaster oven outside on the deck to broil fish, even if it's 10* outside. It's just not worth it to have it inside.

    Love your blog!

  2. I've always wondered if my house is smelly. I don't smell anything... but what if it's because it smells like me? And what if I stink? Care to take a sniff test next time you come over?

    And ever since I read the "Remove your shoes" post... I can't handle even thinking about what might be lurking on my shoes... they are OFF from now on!!

  3. I always have the scentsy going, and always take the trash out, even if I am going to be gone for a hour. I HATE coming home to STINK. And that show Hoarders, I cant watch it anymore. I literally threw up watchin a episode about the food hoarder woman who kept yogurt for 2 years because they werent PUFFY.
